“7 Tips to Create Click-Worthy Blog Titles That Rank on Google Search” 

 March 25, 2023


Are you looking to create blog titles that not only grab your readers’ attention but also rank on Google search? Do you find yourself struggling to find the right words to attract your audience and stand out from the crowd? Fear not, for we have compiled a list of seven tips that will help you create click-worthy blog titles that rank on Google search.

In today’s digital age, the importance of blog titles cannot be overemphasized. A good blog title has the power to draw in readers, create intrigue, and increase the chances of your content being shared on social media platforms. Google also utilizes title tags to understand the content of a webpage, which is why the right title can improve your website’s SEO ranking.

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Section 1: Start with a working title

To create a click-worthy blog title, it’s important to start with a working title. This doesn’t have to be the final title of your blog post, but rather a starting point that will help guide your creative process. A working title should be a concise summary of your content and capture the main idea of your post.

For example, if you’re writing a blog post about the benefits of meditation, your working title might be, “The Power of Meditation: How it Can Change Your Life.”

Section 2: Use numbers and statistics

Numbers and statistics can make your blog title more clickable and memorable. They also add a sense of authority and credibility to your post. For example, “7 Secrets to Successful Weight Loss” or “10 Surprising Benefits of Drinking Green Tea Daily”.

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Using numbers in your title also helps break up dense text, making your content more manageable and easily digestible for readers.

Section 3: Add adjectives or power words

Adjectives or power words can help your blog title stand out and evoke emotion or action from your readers. Examples of power words include: “amazing”, “proven”, “essential”, “effective”, “potent”, etc.

For example, instead of saying “The Benefits of Running,” you can say, “The Amazing Benefits of Running for Your Health and Mind”.

Section 4: Make it fascinating

Your blog title needs to be fascinating and compelling enough to make people want to click on it. Use curiosity and intrigue to pique your readers’ interest and encourage them to read on.

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For example, instead of saying “How to Cook a Chicken Breast,” you can say, “Unlocking the Secrets to the Juiciest, Most Delicious Chicken Breast You’ve Ever Tasted!”

Section 5: Be specific

Being specific in your blog title can help attract a niche audience that is interested in your topic. Specificity also helps Google better understand the content of your post, which can improve your SEO ranking.

For example, instead of saying “How to Make a Smoothie,” you can say, “How to Make a Low-Calorie Strawberry Smoothie for Weight Loss.”

Section 6: Use questions

Questions can help engage your audience and create a sense of curiosity. They also allow you to address your readers’ specific needs and concerns. For example, “Are You Making These Common Mistakes When Starting a Business?”, or “What is the Best Time to Post on Instagram for Maximum Engagement?”

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Section 7: Always include long-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords are more specific phrases that people use to search for something. Incorporating these keywords into your blog title can help improve your SEO ranking and attract a more targeted audience.

For example, if you’re writing a blog post about “Ways to Reduce Stress,” some possible long-tail keywords could be “natural stress relief techniques,” “mindfulness exercises,” or “work-life balance tips”.


1. How important is a blog title for SEO?
A: A blog title is essential for SEO as Google uses title tags to understand the content of a webpage. A well-crafted title can improve your website’s SEO ranking.

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2. How many keywords should I include in my blog title?
A: It’s best to include one or two long-tail keywords in your blog title to improve your SEO ranking without making it sound spammy.

3. Should I use sensational titles to attract readers?
A: While it’s important to make your blog title interesting and clickable, it’s also essential to be honest and trustworthy. Sensational titles that over-promise can harm your reputation and lose reader trust.

4. How should I test my blog title before publishing?
A: You can use headline analyzer tools like CoSchedule Headline Analyzer or Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer to test the effectiveness of your blog title.

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5. Is it okay to adjust my blog title after publishing?
A: Yes, you can edit and adjust your blog title after publishing, but it’s not recommended to do so frequently. It can negatively impact your SEO ranking.

6. Which words should I avoid using in my blog title?
A: Avoid using click-bait or misleading words. Terms like “shocking,” “mind-blowing,” or “you won’t believe” can sound spammy and reduce reader trust.

7. Can using emojis in my blog title improve my click-through rate?
A: Using emojis in your blog title can add personality and increase its visual appeal, but you should not overuse or misuse them.

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Crafting a click-worthy blog title that ranks on Google search takes creativity, research, and patience. Follow these seven tips and incorporate them into your writing process, and you’ll be on your way to creating attention-grabbing and SEO-friendly blog titles in no time.

Remember to start with a working title, use numbers and statistics, employ adjectives, make it fascinating, be specific, use questions, and always include long-tail keywords.

We hope these tips will help you boost your blog’s online presence and attract more readers. So, go ahead, get creative, and grab your audience’s attention with your next blog title!

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